"It has never been my object to record my dreams, just the determination to realize them." - Man Ray


Pessoas Felizes/Happy People

Happy People one...

...happy people two...

...happy people three...

...happy people four...

...happy people five...

...all together now!

Top 10 Thumbs

Abaixo, as imagens do portfolio que mais receberam thumbs up! "Rampage" foi direto para o primeiro lugar... Obrigado a todos pelos votos!


Here are the illustrations that received the most number of thumbs up! "Rampage" went straight to the #1 spot... Thanks to all who took the time to vote!


Spotlight: Sci-Fi Extravaganza

A ilustração em destaque foi inspirada nos antigos posters de filmes de ficção científica dos anos 50, tipo "This Island Earth" ou "Invaders From Mars".


When I did this illustration, I was thinking about the posters of those Sci-Fi movies like "This Island Earth" or "Invaders From Mars".
